

The ‘Wolf Pack’ had a very adventurous trip to Zimbabwe this summer.  We all had a great time, and took some awesome videos and pictures.  My brother and husband even had a close encounter with an Elephant.  We went to three camps and to Victoria Falls.  Pamushana, Mana Pools, and Linkwasha.  We were lucky enough to see Cecil the lion’s pride in Hwange National Park at Linkwasha– who were doing well!

Zambizi River with Animals
View of the Zambizi River with Impala, Baboons, Kudu, and Water buck

The above video was taken by my mom at Mana Pools, our second stop in Zimbabwe.  This was not the first elephant that came up to us that day. The elephants were eating the pods and the guides told us to sit still if an elephant approached us.  It was quite the experience, and we were in his way after all!

We also had a very cool experience on the Zambezi.  The hippos at Mana Pools were very active.